Quick with LeanSwat

What is it?

Our special methodology what we worked out based on our experience and needs of the clients. We provide improvement plan after 3 days of workshop.

The concept - process improvement in 30 days:


Before the LeanSwat workshop:

Day 0: identify the product: we start by selecting the product from the range of processes

The LeanSwat workshop:

Day 1, a: SIPOC – high level process map for understanding the key stakeholders and position the process within your company

Day 1, b: Walk the process: we create cross-departmental process map by following the execution on the “shop floor”.

Day 2: Identification of waste and movements: on the process maps we highlight the non-value added steps and visualize the movements

Day 3: Solution identification and selection: we facilitate your team to come up with creative solutions and help you with the prioritization (cost-benefit matrix)

After the LeanSwat workshop:

Day +: Action planning and execution - we provide mentoring and coaching throughout the implementation of the change.

Day ++: Control - follow up of KPIs and react if needed to stabilize the improved process.

Contact us


Belgium: +32-478-468-586
Hungary: +36-30-210-4114

1028 Budapest - Szilagyi E. utca 39.